No two people are the same. This is particularly true in old age. While some individuals prefer to spend the last years of their life in their own four walls, others feel that they are no longer able to cope with the rigours of running their own household, and decide instead to move in with us.
The Wohlfahrtswerk Foundation endeavours to cater for every type of preferred lifestyle. We make every effort to see all of our clients as the individuals they are: With their own unique story to tell, their own preferences and fears.
The expectations of the elderly have changed radically over recent decades. Today’s older generation is keen to remain as active as possible, to take control of this period of their lives, and to make the most of the here and now.
What we aim to do is help them to enjoy life. Consideration and respect, a smile, a friendly word, a walk together in the park: It is often these small things that create a welcoming, familiar atmosphere and make people feel at home.
Old age is a time beset by unwelcome change. A time when the generation we grew up with is being taken from us, when we are confronted with the loss of friends, family members, relatives and acquaintances, and increasingly reminded of our own mortality.
This makes it all the more important to find out individual needs and to have people we can turn to when thoughts dwell on the meaning of life. In all our care homes, we offer a sitting service, and we work closely with the treating GP when providing palliative care at the end of life. We endeavour to provide a solid foundation of support for the dying and their families to ease their suffering, helping to manage pain and alleviate fears.