Recent Projects Simply4emotions

The project Simply4emotions is funded by the European Union and dedicated to the well-being of health and social care professionals. Emotional self-regulation and stress management are strengthened through a transformative learning experience within a safe and supporting environment. The overall goal is to increase resilience in health and social care workers, which supports a reliable health care system. 

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The project partners develop two versions of a simulation game – one can be played online, the other is a physical game. Instructions and hand-outs will be available in several languages. The game is designed to help with emotionally challenging work situations, mainly by strengthening the health professionals' own resilience. At the same time, it aims at reducing inefficient coping strategies like cynicism or focusing on administrative tasks. The simulation game is provided as an open educational resource (OER) to health professionals to secure a broader distribution and user friendliness. 

In Simply4emotions Wohlfahrtswerk partners with eight institutions – both from the academic field as well as care providers. Wohlfahrtswerk is responsible for the requirements analysis to define the needs of health care professionals regarding the framework of the game. By testing the simulation game, its functionality and effectivity are evaluated to further improve the game mechanism. Wohlfahrtswerk is also responsible for public relations and communication with the target group to build interest in the project and the simulation game.

Project homepage

The project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme.

September 2023 - February 2026

The project and its sponsors


Project partners

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart

Challedu, Griechenland

Frodizo, Griechenland

ISRAA Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero e Assistenza agli Anziani, Italien

Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finnland

University of Galway, Irland

Wohlfahrtswerk für Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart


Project Management
