Recent projects Competence Centre for Innovative & Healthy Work in the Social and Healthcare Sector in the region Alb-Bodensee-Iller (KompIGA)

KompIGA is dedicated to the work organisation of companies and service providers in the social and health sector with the goal of a successful progression and development. During five years 10 project partners from the region between Swabian Alb, Lake Constance and Iller are establishing a centre of competence. They build the core of a network that is open to other social companies and institutions. Part of KompIGA is the realisation of projects with a focus on practical improvements, addressing the increasing changes and challenges in the working environment. The results will be published accompanied by recommended actions. The exchange of ideas and communication about new ways of shaping work and the development of organizations is a main focus of KompIGA. It further aims to provide starting points for research and development and take part in the society’s discourse about work design in the social and health sector.  


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Kick-off event: Participating project partners discussing first ideas.

Planned activities

  • Secure employability
  • Push and establish digitalization
  • Develop flexible and sustainable working models
  • Use diversity as an opportunity
  • Establish competence development as a part of work culture

The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the programme “Zukunft der Wertschöpfung – Forschung zu Produktion, Dienstleistung und Arbeit” and supervised by the project executor Projektträger Karlsruhe (PTKA).

April 2024 – March 2029

The project and its sponsors


Project partners

AristaFlow GmbH, Ulm

Die Zieglerschen, Wilhelmsdorf

Hochschule Kempten

Hochschule Neu-Ulm

Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten

Hochschule Reutlingen

Lebenshilfe Donau-Iller, Neu-Ulm (Diakonie Baden), Karlsruhe

St. Elisabeth-Stiftung, Bad Waldsee

Wohlfahrtswerk für Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart


Project Management
